Live Action Mafia

Day 4 Lynch Target
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Author:  Adamberg [ Thu Feb 26, 2015 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Day 4 Lynch Target

Here are Three Obvious Lynch Targets:

1) Sashacf: They were at the kill site by themselves with Lucy when Lucy died yesterday. Lucy was also in a location that wouldn't be obvious by her bio so I doubt someone was stalking her there. If you ask me, there is a 90% chance it was them.

2) Arkadiy: He accused me of trying to kill him, even though I'm innocent. This is very sketchy. He also came in late to 24.900 which is weird because he's usually there early. The location and time of the kill also correlate roughly to how long it would take him to walk from the kill site to lecture. I pointed this out to him when we were talking after lecture and put the fact that he was late on forum. He then accused me of trying to kill him (possibly as a response to my weak accusation).

3) Me: I was accused of trying to kill Arkadiy. However, I am a bad choice because I didn't actually do anything and am a townie.

Author:  arkadiyf [ Thu Feb 26, 2015 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Day 4 Lynch Target

I agree that I was a minute or two late to linguistics today. This was because I slept through my first class and woke up with barely enough time to get to linguistics, hence why I was late. I admit that this looks sketchy, but I don't really have any evidence to disprove it, as I didn't see anyone else playing mafia on my way to class.

adamberg was also nearby when Lucy was killed, so there's the possibility that she was also responsible for that kill. When I talked to Sasha in Random yesterday, they said that both of them left around the same time, meaning that either of them could have done it. I also have a slight suspicion that adamberg was responsible for ltchin's death, as the path from ESG to Stata passes through 24-3, meaning that she was definitely very close at the time of death. I'd be interested in knowing if whoever investigated adamberg innocent for ltchin's death knows about the reliability of their investigations.

From what I see, it would be useful to for investigators to investigate me for jessk's death and adamberg/sashacf for Lucy's death, and possibly adamberg for ltchin's death.

Author:  Eric Yang [ Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Day 4 Lynch Target

From my observation, adamberg isn't checking the forum very often. When I met her yesterday at 3pm, she didn't know that Lucy was dead, and she posted her suspicion of Sashacf right after that. She also didn't post her reply to arkadiyf's accusation immediately. From these I'm more inclined to think that she isn't mafia and didn't kill Lucy.
That said, it is also weird for a mafia to claim that someone else tried to kill him though.

Author:  Josh Frisch [ Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Day 4 Lynch Target

I would vote to lynch lotta on principle?

Author:  lilychen [ Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Day 4 Lynch Target

Agreed. I'm inclined to lynch Adamberg, or maybe Jakob.

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