Live Action Mafia

A game of sneakiness and paranoia
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 4:22 pm 
First time doing this! Mostly copied from Miranda's post in Summer Game 1, besides the specific stuff at the end. If you're relatively new, you should also read previous strategy posts, though they may not apply as well for such a short game.

1. Don't tell anyone your role unless it's really strategically important (you're under a lot of suspicion and can use your role as evidence, you're dying, etc.).

2. Use your role. If you have a list of predictions, keep it updated. If you can investigate, do it as often as possible and post the results through a proxy. If you're immune to bangs, wander around in public (though not too obviously).

3. Take precautions. Tell someone who you're going to be with, or any situation where if you die it was probably X. Keep a text open and send out the names of people who walk up to you.

4. Keep the spreadsheet updated with everyone's alibis. (I'll make it in a few minutes)

5. Post other general strategies here.

Specific stuffs
Mafia don't have that many investigation-trolling powers this game (at most 3 secret ones (2 frames + hitman), at most 2 detectable ones (poison + mtp), merging to at most 3 total). So, do your investigations. When convenient, visit clue sites even if you can't check for clues, to help disguise the real investigators. The first few kills are very likely to be trolled, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're not worth investigating.
When you report your investigations, pick a proxy with high probability. If someone asks you to proxy, pick a double proxy with nontrivial probability (but not high enough to cause inefficient chaining). This prevents mafia from just killing the investigators (or their proxies) too directly. Your proxy should probably be randomly picked, unless there's a good reason for you to trust someone in particular, in which case they're probably a good choice.
When you investigate, pick someone with a sketchy alibi, if possible. To avoid redundant investigations, don't always go for the obvious choice, but do also keep the obvious choice as an option. To prevent mafia from lying successfully, occasionally consider reinvestigating a particular suspect.
If you get a positive investigation, either make sure you're in a safe place, or tell more than one person, to ensure you don't die with the information.
Investigators should collect clues and investigate every day. Superheroes should probably be secret for day 1, but may choose to also be secret on other days to avoid concentrating investigations on the likely trolled kills of day 1. Desperadoes in such a short game should activate soonish. If you aren't so hated that you already think you should activate before day 1, though, you should probably wait and activate before day 2 or so. Gay knights get one investigation this game if I recall correctly, so keep your partner updated on the hate groups so they can know who to sue/take revenge on. Since don does not exist, there are no false negatives, so you should probably wait for the other investigators to uncover some dirt before using your one guess. Unless you don't trust the other investigators (who are, I remind you, most likely not their own proxies).

Killing people
Vigilantes should not kill people who are not exposed mafia, unless they're VERY sure of their hunches. Also, ALWAYS ask if someone is an IC/GN/other provable role before killing them. You should also ideally tell one or two other people before you do a killing in case you're wrong or they kill/conscript you instead.
Gay knights, you don't have this problem, except the last part. You should, like other investigation people, tell at least two people when you get a positive investigation (but tell them not to tell publicly until you do the revenge), because having the information die with you is worse than just waiting to lynch the mafia.
Mafia, you should kill yourselves. Not really, but in game. Failing that, you should just not kill and let town win. Feel free to PM me for more killing advice.

(Innocent child) Revealing
Don't do it. Unless you're in a beef, or you really know what you're doing with a tricky strategy (e.g. reveal and then demand __). The exception is if someone is dying and relatively non-suspicious (GN, maybe desperado, perhaps poison), in which case you, and the GNs, can consider revealing to make a network, if we publicly agree this is a good idea. Maybe there's more than one of you, in which case this is more likely to be beneficial.

Bang Immunity
The mafia have 3 KABOOMs, but they're apparently non-regenerable. This means there's no reason not to be bang-immune if you can be at no other cost. So, always keep a full conspiracy/cynic list (at the start of the game, that means 2) and update it routinely. Conspiracy theorists could pick people they come into a lot of contact with, or active players who would likely go out of their way to kill them. Cynics and superheroes should pick any confirmed innocents, or the mayor, or just hyperactive players in general.

If you have a medkit, don't necessarily activate it immediately, but don't just let it sit there for the whole game either. Pick a day you feel likely to be killed and medicate yourself. Or, give your medkit to someone you trust (preferably not someone who asks for it), so that mafia don't know what's coming. Speaking of which...

Move the microphones and receivers around so that mafia, again, don't know what to expect. Do the same with the other items, but it's not as crucial for them (except the medkit). Don't move them around so much that mafia just end up absorbing them all though; you may want to establish agreements where you demand the item swap reversed after a few days except under special circumstances.

We should have a meeting on day 1 to elect a mayor. We should impeach the mayor (or lynch if there's enough suspicion) when it looks like the triple vote is getting dangerous.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:59 pm 
You best me to this. There are a couple points I particularly want to emphasize:

Don't tell anybody your role. Ever. Unless you absolutely HAVE to. We will trivially lose if the mafia learn a couple of our roles.

Whenever possible, be ready to send out a rapid text if somebody in the game is approaching you. This was how Francesca won for the town last game!

Let other people know anytime you're going to be with another player or if another player uniquely knows your whereabouts. This can easily catch a mafia if you get killed.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:13 pm 
A couple other quick things:

1. Investigators/superheroes/desperados: In this small of a game, keeping your role secret is generally more important than releasing non-critical investigations to the public. Randomize which investigator-ish role you claim and whether you do a proxy or double-proxy chain. If the mafia ever have a better than 25% chance of successfully setting a trap, we're doing it wrong.

2. The mafia have fewer ways to mess with investigations than the original post implies. See Miranda's rule-clarifications.

3. Everybody bring your items to the meeting tomorrow, so that we can swap around. I want to show Miranda that putting three mic/receiver pairs in the game is a bad idea :D

PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:40 pm 
I don't think swapping around items in the meeting is a good idea. One mafia in the meeting is enough for them to know where each item is and/or manipulate the swap to end with what they consider more critical. And public randomness is not allowed.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:40 pm 
That's fair. But I still ask that everybody brings all items tomorrow. We can mix them up in a way that minimizes what the mafia knows.

This will only work well if almost everybody comes to the meeting tomorrow...

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