Live Action Mafia

Gunfire ~4:45outside BH kitchen
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Author:  Tom [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Gunfire ~4:45outside BH kitchen


I happened to be sitting in BH kitchen when I heard a male voice similar to Jacobi's shout Bang in the stairwell killing Krue.

Obviously, since I was sitting in Black Hole, I am a target with no alibi's, and would like to be investigated, and would also like Jacobi to be investigated.


Author:  Molly K [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think these are good investigations to be made. I'm in an airport still, not quite near Random..

Author:  Daniel Grazian [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Seconded, investigate Jacobi. I just talked to him, and he seemed as much of a sketchball as I've ever seen in a live-action-mafia game. He also admitted to seeing krue (coming into Random I assume) at approximately 4:43.

I was in my room on Clam (325) on a conference call. I could not have left even for thirty seconds.

If you are an investigator and are reading this, you should perform the following procedure:

1. Investigate Jacobi.
2. Choose a proxy.
3. Choose another player. Tell that player who your proxy is, but not what your role is. To provide cover, other power roles should perform this step as well (lying about the proxy.)
4. The proxy should announce on the forum that any other investigator in the game should investigate somebody else (say, Tom or me.)

Author:  jaysonl [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll second that this is a very reasonable procedure to take as an investigator, as there is a low likelihood that any particular person is mafia and trading an investigator for a mafia comes out in our favor.

I was asleep at the time, and Tom and other residents of Black Hole can vouch for this being reasonable for my sleep schedule lately.

At the moment Jacobi seems most suspicious, but unfortunately I will be away this evening until after 10pm, and thus will not be able to vote with sufficient information.

Author:  anchen [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Okay, so I just got back from work, so I don't really have much idea of what's going on. But important note to the investigator(s):

Do NOT bother investigating Tom. If he is mafia, and is openly inviting people to investigate him, he must have gotten his partner mafia to do the murder instead. If he isn't, well, 'nuff said.

Instead, I encourage you to investigate dgrazian, who seems to be fitting for such a partnership, if one such existed. I just talked to jacobi, and he didn't seem like a sketchball at all. Also, he works desk from 12-8, which is a pretty solid alibi.

In short: if we have the fortune of having two investigators, please look into jacobi and dgrazian. If we only have one, well, take your pick.
I talked to jacobi about making a deal along the lines of "if neither dgrazian nor tom is guilty, you can lynch jacobi".

Author:  anchen [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:29 pm ]
Post subject: 


There is a non-zero chance that dgrazian and tom are mafia, dgrazian made the kill, and they're trying to frame jacobian. Don't bother investigating tom.

(This hypothesis mostly comes from my rule #1: never trust dgrazian.)

Author:  Jacobian [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi guys, I am not mafia and did not kill anyone. I was AT DESK. As in fired if I leave. I can show you my time sheet or my desk logs if you don't believe me. I did see Krue pick up packages right around that time, but she left and closed the door behind her. I didn't see anyone around. When Daniel came down, he pretended to be all buddy buddy, but he seemed rather sketchy to me. I knew he was going to accuse me of this... I think there is a fair chance that Daniel is guilty, maybe not of this kill but certainly of being Mafia. Tom, why? I was at desk, why would you implicate me?
All in all, day 1 seems like a silly day to start the ridiculous accusations. I am innocent, and I doubt Tom did the kill. Maybe Daniel, but he wouldn't be that obvious. Hitman? MtP? Who knows...

Author:  Daniel Grazian [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree with anchen (except about Jacobi not seeming sketchy.) Tom seems pretty legit. Feel free to investigate me over Tom if you must. But Jacobi is my first target, and I would like to see him investigated.

And make this investigation (or whatever investigation you make) NOW NOW NOW. Our default decision (if I have anything to say about it) is to lynch Jacobi. If you do not investigate quickly, there will not be any opportunity to correct this decision in the event that it is incorrect.

Author:  Daniel Grazian [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

anchen, where are you, I'd like to talk in-person.

And to all:
Where were you at the time of the murder?

Author:  Jacobian [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Random aside: don't trust Daniel, he is manipulative.
Something about the murder doesn't add up. Tom was 15 feet away in the kitchen when it occured. Why didn't he go look? See who it was? Go after them if they ran away? Why?
"I was on my computer"
... Really?

Author:  Tom [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jacobian wrote:
Random aside: don't trust Daniel, he is manipulative.
Something about the murder doesn't add up. Tom was 15 feet away in the kitchen when it occured. Why didn't he go look? See who it was? Go after them if they ran away? Why?
"I was on my computer"
... Really?

I fully admit I messed up there.

Krue entered BH kitchen and I asked if she was dead, to which she replied that she wasn't allowed to say, and I told her she needed to say if she was dead.

By that time, I realized that whoever had killed her would be far enough away that running after them was unlikely to gain anything valuable, but I realize now I should have done so anyways.

Author:  kbeth [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

i was at work in Newton

so, in fairness, wasn't Jacobi working then? he showed me his timecard... i guess he could have gone to the bathroom or something but it seems a little weird. and obviously there could be a hitman.

Author:  Jacobian [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

For the record, I do not leave desk to use the restroom. I do so before or after shifts. The only time I do leave desk is the stuff mail, which I do immediately at shift start (always done by 1).

Author:  Jacobian [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:51 pm ]
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Also to Tom: You claimed you heard a male voice say "Bang". And you didn't walk over? Even if you are town, that seems VERY sloppy!

Author:  Tom [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jacobian wrote:
Also to Tom: You claimed you heard a mail voice say "Bang". And you didn't walk over? Even if you are town, that seems VERY sloppy!

I already admitted that I made mistakes during that period of time.

Second, you misspelled male.

[edited for clarity]

Author:  kbeth [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:13 pm ]
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hey.... so, with the new end time and everything, we're going to have to vote relatively soon... what do people think?

Author:  Alex [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:14 pm ]
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Reminder: Votes close in under an hour 10:00 PM.

Author:  blehnert [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

For whatever it is worth, I was at work in the media lab

Author:  Daniel Grazian [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Unless there is good reason to do otherwise, I want to lynch Jacobi. We should gravedig him postmortum.

But I'm disturbed by the lack of investigation reports.

Author:  rifrim [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Obviously I'm not at random and following the conversation, but why are we lynching Jacobi if there are no clear investigation results? And for the record, I had work until 5:30 today.

Author:  Daniel Grazian [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tom said he heard a voice outside black hole that sounded like Jacobi's when krue was killed. Krue was coming up the stairs after just entering Random while Jacobi was working desk (this was admitted by Jacobi.) And (in my opinion) Jacobi was radiating "sketch" when I talked to him after talking to Tom.

Yeah, I'm concerned about the lack of investigation results. But I'd rather lynch Jacobi than go "no lynch." The gravedigger should immediately gravedig Jacobi.

I'd put it at around a 50% chance that Jacobi is mafia. More than enough to want to lynch him.

Author:  Daniel Grazian [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tom said he heard a voice outside black hole that sounded like Jacobi's when krue was killed. Krue was coming up the stairs after just entering Random while Jacobi was working desk (this was admitted by Jacobi.) And (in my opinion) Jacobi was radiating "sketch" when I talked to him after talking to Tom.

Yeah, I'm concerned about the lack of investigation results. But I'd rather lynch Jacobi than go "no lynch." The gravedigger should immediately gravedig Jacobi.

I'd put it at around a 50% chance that Jacobi is mafia. More than enough to want to lynch him.

Author:  Alex [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:55 pm ]
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Five minutes!

Author:  Molly K [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Alright, I voted for dgrazian.

Now before you get all suspicious of me, let me explain.

I did this because I believe to know Jacobi well, and I do believe that he wouldn't leave desk for this game. He takes desk more seriously than that.

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