Live Action Mafia

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Author:  gurev [ Sat Apr 27, 2019 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Introductions

Please post introductions here! They should include your name, living group, schedule over the coming week, and a picture that is detailed enough for someone to recognize you. Also, post any areas that you spend lots of time hanging out in.


Hello! I'm Jason, and I look like my profile picture. If I'm not at some class or event, I usually hang out at ET in public spaces. I usually eat lunch in W20 Lobdell around 12:00-13:00, and eat dinner at ET.

*10:00-11:00 - 7.016 exam in Walker
11:00-12:00 - 18.701 lecture in 2-190
*15:00-16:30 - WGS.101 in 4-145
19:00-23:00 - Minions at ET

14:30-16:00 - 18.510 in 4-153
19:30-22:30 - square dancing, Lobdell

11:00-12:00 - 18.701 lecture in 2-190
*12:00-13:00 - 5.111 exam in Walker
*15:00-16:30 - WGS.101 in 4-145

14:30-16:00 - 18.510 in 4-153

11:00-12:00 - 18.701 lecture in 2-190
18:30-0:00 - Halloween Party at ET

13:00-17:00 - Board Games on Campus, 32-144

Author:  m2w [ Sat Apr 27, 2019 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

Hi! I'm Mollie. I live at ET. I usually take the earliest van to campus in the morning and take the earliest van back to ET. If It's MWF, I'll go back to campus for 3.985 or taekwondo, respectively. I hang out on floorpi often and might sleep there Monday or Tuesday night. I also hang out in the Course 3 Lounge (first floor of building 4) a lot.

A Google calendar for this week, containing things you can probably find me at (but don't interrupt my labs):

calendar.PNG [ 72.37 KiB | Viewed 3375 times ]

Author:  aok [ Sat Apr 27, 2019 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

Hi! I'm aok. I will be moving into Darksteel Citadel (9 Adelaide Rd Unit #1,Somerville) on Monday. My schedule is underdetermined right now, but I'll try to post whenever I make plans to go somewhere, and otherwise you'll find me at my new place.


My schedule for this week:
11-12??? Closing on my house, 27 Harvard St, Brookline
12??? - 7??? Moving into Darksteel Citadel
7 - 11?? Maybe go to ET for minions

Spending the day moving in and running errands to buy new stuff. I'll post updates.

More moving in and running errands to buy new stuff. I'll post updates.

Fly to Illinois in the morning. Maybe I'll be dead by then? If not, I'll get a body double.

Author:  maxmurin [ Sat Apr 27, 2019 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

Hello! I'm Max. I live on floorpi [EC 3W] in room H307. Schedule as follows:
(* indicates that you should not kill me here. I'm fine with getting ambushed coming in/out here.)

6.031 11-12:45 34-101
6.031 3-4 24-310
Tech Squares Rounds/CCS 7:30-10PM W20-407

*6.UAT 1-2 24-310
*18.504 2:30-4 2-159? (forget the room number exactly)
Tech Squares 7:30-10:30PM W20-La Sala

6.031 11-12:45 34-101
6.031 3-4 24-310

*6.UAT 1-2 24-310
*18.504 2:30-4 2-159?
Tech Squares CCS 7:30-10PM W20-407

6.031 11-12:45 34-101
*6.031 1-2 <spooky undisclosed location, probably in building 32>

At other times, I'll probably be in my room or in TVL on floorpi. I tend to wake up about 15 minutes before my first thing of the day.

Author:  ksedlar [ Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

Hi, I'm ksedlar! I live at ET in Cave (basement room by the back door), though I will be moving into Darksteel Citadel (9 Adelaide Rd Unit #1, Somerville) in a month. If I am on campus with nothing to do, I'll probably be in my office (24-313). I also might go weightlifing in Stata Gym at some point when I would otherwise just be in my office.

12:30 - arrive at Darksteel Citadel (coming from ET) to figure out with NP lukesci which bedroom each of us will have. Also we will say hi to aok and maybe help him with moving things!
1:30 - leave via the Porter Square T-Stop to go back to campus
2-3 - 6.033 lecture in 26-100
3-4 - 6.033 staff meeting in 36-153
4-5 - Cram research work in 32-G9 lounge
5-5:30 - research meeting in Stata G-9
afterwards I will Uber back to ET for dinner and remain for the rest of the night

11 arrive via ET van on campus
sometime between 11-12 print out stuff for recitation in the Athena cluster by 56
12-1 6.033 recitation in 32-144
1-2 6.033 recitation in 36-155 (RIP having to switch rooms)
2-??? hang out in my office in 24-313.
??? -??? either get dinner somewhere and then Uber back to ET, or get dinner somewhere and then head over to Squares

11:15 arrive at Sailing Pavillion via Uber from ET
11:15-1 Sailing PE class at the sailing pavilion (have fun killing me when I'm in the middle of the river!)
1-2: hang out in my office
2-3: 6.033 lecture
3: Uber back to ET, maybe with NP lukesci, to make dinner
3:30-6 make dinner in ET's kitchen, hang out at ET afterwards

11 arrive via ET van on campus
sometime between 11-12 print out stuff for recitation in the Athena cluster by 56
12-1 6.033 recitation in 32-144
1-2 6.033 recitation in 36-155 (RIP having to switch rooms)
2-5 hang out in my office in 24-313
5 return to ET via ET van

1 arrive via Uber to campus, maybe with brunnerj?
1-2 6.033 tutorial in 34-304
2-3 still 6.033 tutorial in 34-304
3-5 Office Hours in 24-307
5 return to ET via ET van
??? Maybe I'll be doing a LARP in the evening?

??? East Side Festival at East Campus? Maybe I'll be doing a LARP? Otherwise probably at ET

1:30-5 Board Games on Campus, maybe.
??? Maybe I'll be doing a LARP? Otherwise at ET

Picture of me (hair unfortunately is less purple): Image

Author:  yyao1 [ Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

Hi, Yannick here. I live on EC 3W (floorpi) room H309. I look like my avatar.

My schedule during the game:

11:00-12:30 6.031 in 34-101
13:00-14:30 18.783 in 1-190
14:30-16:00 24.903 in 56-180
16:00-16:30 in 2-290
16:30-17:30 Simons Lectures in 2-190

11:00-12:30 CMS.301 in E15-335
13:00-14:30 18.204 in 2-151
14:30-16:00 18.218 in 3-370
16:00-16:30 in 2-290
16:30-17:30 Simons Lectures in 2-190
20:00-22:30 Tech Squares in W20 (Lobdell or Sala)

same as Tuesday until 16:00 (after which I have no plans)

9:00-18:00 USAMO grading in 4-349, very preferably do not disturb (something something confidentiality)

I usually eat lunch and dinner in Maseeh, otherwise I tend to stay in my room or in floorpi lounges.

Author:  karengao [ Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

Hi I'm Karen! A freshmen from Random/ET. Pls don't kill me. Or get killed by me. Wait. I mean yes pls get killed by me lol :P
Here's my schedule:

also i don't know how to attach an image but you can find photos of me on my facebook page at

mafia schedule.JPG
mafia schedule.JPG [ 148.55 KiB | Viewed 3358 times ]

Author:  Linus [ Sun Apr 28, 2019 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

Hi I'm Linus! You can find a picture of me to the left. I live at ET and spend most of my time there.

Times I know I won't be at ET:
- Saturday: I will be in 26-414 (room subject to change) from 11am - 4pmish. Kill me there please!
- Um, other than that, I cannot determine my schedule more than a day in advance. I can liveblog my plans if the GMs request. Hashtag grad student who isn't taking classes this semester

Author:  jwlw2022 [ Sun Apr 28, 2019 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

Hi, I'm Julia. I live in McCormick. Here's my schedule. I'll post major changes if any occur.

schedule.png [ 236.96 KiB | Viewed 3351 times ]

Author:  ixa [ Sun Apr 28, 2019 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

hi I'm ixa. I live on floorpi (EC 3W) in room M309. I'm likely to be awake at odd night hours and asleep at even morning ones. If you want to stalk me like a deranged murderer I can probably be found (in decreasing order) in floorpi TVL, my room, floorpi KL, ET, 32, or getting food.

These are the things I'll probably do:
time - event name - location

10-11 - 18.031 lecture 2-146
12-1 - 6.041 lecture 4-370
1-4 - 6.073 E25-117
Taking the ET van @5

1-2 6.UAT recitation - 24-310 (contains maxmurin)

10-11 - 18.031 lecture 2-146
12-1 - 6.041 lecture 4-370
1-4 - 6.073 E25-117
22-23 Housecomm @EC (don't disturb, thx)

1-2 6.UAT recitation - 24-310 (contains maxmurin)

Am I really going to be alive? I'll update if necessary.

Author:  ahkim [ Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

hello friends! i 'm ashley, and i live on floorpi (3w) in room h301. i have 7 things starting with 'final' this semester so i can usually be found working somewhere on pi. if you need someone to let you in, poke a bpchen and he'd help!

I take too many classes, and I generally go to all of them. schedule here:


typically i go to my urop meeting instead of 857 but you probably don't have card access to my lab anyway so it won't matter then. I have a strong preference for not being killed in class except 6.858 (i sit in the back so it's easy there anyway), but feel free to kill me anytime before/after.

Other notes include
- i usually go to brookline on thursday for tea.
- sometime monday afternoon/evening, i will be working on cms.301 to be updated somewhere
- mtw nights when i get back, i'm usually doing 856 in the floorpi kl.
- i might skip the thursday 4-5 meeting and go to the 5-6 one instead, opting to go to 6.856 office hours in 32-044 instead. will update.
- one of w/r/f night might be spent on c4 hosting an only connect. if you come kill me before that, you can totally come play with us! will update if happening.
- jm_wang and i usually get dinner t/w/r somewhere random in kendall around 6/6:30. you can probably catch me going in or out of ec sometime near that.

at other times, i can be found randomly in floorpi, stata, or bc c4 in decreasing order of likelyhood. if i'm on pi, i'm either in a lounge or in my room. many of the things i go to, even the ones you'd really expect not to, contain jm_wang.

picture of me: Image
i am lazy and the picture has been 100% the same for 3 years of mafia playing. my hair is shorter and less curly now and my glasses are bigger.

Author:  brunnerj [ Sun Apr 28, 2019 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

Hi, I am Josh Brunner, a senior living at ET.


9:30-11 24.242 in 56-167 (very unlikely to attend)
14-15 6.033 in 26-100

11 arrive on campus by et van
12-13 lunch in w20
13-14 6.033 in 36-372

9:30-11 24.242 in 56-167 (very unlikely to attend)
12-13 lunch in w20
14-15 6.033 in 26-100
19-21:30 6.892 in 32-082

11 arrive on campus by et van
12-13 lunch in w20
13-14 6.033 in 36-372
14:30-17 6.08 in 38-530
19-21 6.892 in 32-082

13-14 6.033 in 34-301


13:30-17 board games on campus in 36-112

On M mornings, I drive the et van to and from campus at 9am.
On T evenings, i go to tech squares in lobdell in w20 from 20 to 22:30
On M evenings, i play minions at et from 19:30 until late.
I will probably sleep at random on T night.
I may sleep at random on R night.


Author:  span [ Sun Apr 28, 2019 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

Hi! I'm Span and I live at ET. My lab on campus is 3-147 (locked, lab space), and I'll be in or around that area most days. You might see me with a snack/lunch on the first floor of the student center.

Every day:
--Leave for campus from ET probably around 10am (ET van / rideshare)
--In lab most of the day
--Return probably on the evening ET van

--Just in lab all day

--I TA 2.131, which means I go from 3-147 to 3-370 at about 9:25am, and am there until 10:55. At 10:55 I move from 3-370 down to 3-147, and then am back up to 1-379 by 11:05. I return within the next hour to 3-147.
-- Prob. programming in 1-135 from 2-5pm. I usually head there from 3-147 and then back to 3-147 afterward.
--TAing for 2.131 again, same as Tues.
--Like Mon, just in lab all day

image2.jpg [ 7.83 KiB | Viewed 3329 times ]

Author:  jm_wang [ Sun Apr 28, 2019 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

Hello! I'm Jonathan, and I look like (image forthcoming, but just imagine some Asian dude with glasses). I mainly spend time on floorpi, in the TVL or in H301, and rarely in the C4 floor lounge or the 13 suite. I will potentially also be on the 6th floor of building 38 a lot this week. I usually eat lunch in Stata around 12:00-13:00, and dinner around the Kendall area at 6-6:30 with ahkim.

5-6pm – 6.033 Team meeting, likely 36-8

*11-12am – 6.033 rec, 34-30(3?)
*22:05-00:05 – logs rehearsal, Walker

7-10pm – 6.009 lab hours, 34-30(4?)

*11-12am – same as Tuesday
*7:30-9:30pm – logs rehearsal, Walker

9-11am – 6.009 lab hours, 4-370
*1-2pm – 6.033 tutorial
**2:30-4pm – 6.036 lab, 34-5(something)
*4-5pm – 6.009 staff meeting
5pm-infinity – logs gig at Exeter

*11am-2:30pm – logs elections, likely 2-103 or thereabouts

*3-6pm – logs, location unclear

*Prefer not during, ok before or after
**Nanoquiz during first 15 min, but otherwise ok

Author:  meghal [ Sun Apr 28, 2019 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

I'm Meghal.

M/W/F: 2:30-4 14.16 E51-372, TKD 7:30-9 in the Z-center

T/R: 11-12:30 CMS.301 E25-117, 2:30-4 18.504 2-151

I'm usually at ET playing games on a chessboard.

Here is a picture

meghal.jpg [ 76.21 KiB | Viewed 3318 times ]

Author:  sualeh [ Sun Apr 28, 2019 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions


Im Sualeh, a freshman in Next House 4w. I am usually in Next and eat dinner at Mcc or Next (Mccormick is more probable on week days.) I usually work in a random classroom or the stud on normal week days. My picture can be picked off facebook:

Here is my schedule.

1:00-2:30: 18.783 - 2-190
3:00-4:00: meeting in Kendall
4:30-5:30: Simons lectures - 2-190 (except on Friday)

11:00-1:00: 21M.600 W97-212?? (you won't have card access anyways)
02:30-4:00: 18.218 - 3-370

Author:  agdawson [ Sun Apr 28, 2019 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

Hi, I'm Anna Dawson. I live at Next House 3E.

If I'm not in class, you can find me in room 339.

9am-10: 4-249
11-12: 26-100
1-2: 26-100
3:30-5: 3-370

9-11: 26-152
11-12: 2-143
12-1: 4-249

11-12: 26-100
1-2: 26-100
3:30-5: 3-370

9am-10: 4-249
10-11: 26-152
11-12: 26-100
1-2: 26-100

Pretty sure my face is in my icon.

Author:  ellenwan [ Sun Apr 28, 2019 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

AHH.jpg [ 159.66 KiB | Viewed 3283 times ]

Hi! I'm Ellen. I typically stay on campus between 11am and 5pm, bouncing between ET and Random. During the weekends I'm usually at ET My schedule during the weekday looks something like this:
The attachment Capture.PNG is no longer available

Capture.PNG [ 28.28 KiB | Viewed 3283 times ]

Author:  sammyluo [ Sun Apr 28, 2019 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

hi! I'm sammyluo. I'm a first year math grad student at Stanford; floorpi '18. the GMs, in their infinite benevolence, are letting me play this game despite me not being anywhere near Boston :O

I don't have a schedule because I'm a math grad student at Stanford :P and also I've never played magic and have no idea what's going on. I should probably go read the rules. we are all town on this blessed day.

Author:  Daniel Grazian [ Mon Apr 29, 2019 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

I live at 100 Memorial Drive, Apt 08-11B. The building is half a block from E.C.

Lily Chen lives here, as does Pesto (Adam Hesterberg). Jackie Bredenberg is often here. I'm sure that any of them (with the possible exception of Lily) would let someone in.

I work at Google. I am usually there ~10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday - Friday.

I'll be at ET on Monday and Friday from ~7 to midnight. I'll try to be at ET most evenings during the game. I'll also come to any meetings/discussions people have on campus!

I'll update this as applicable.

Author:  python [ Mon Apr 29, 2019 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

I'm python, I live at ET and work in the Flavell lab on the fourth floor of building 46. My schedule is as follows (if not on the schedule I'm probably at ET or in lab):

Monday: 9-11 in 68-120 editing 7.013 exam, 11-12 7.013 lecture in 26-100, the rest of the day (until midnight-ish) in lab
Tuesday: recitation in 26-204 from 12-2. Do not kill me in the middle of recitation (I'm the TA), but there is a break at 1pm. In lab until squares return van (10:30ish)
Wednesday: 7.013 office hours in 68-120 from 11-12:30, in lab until 7, then proctoring 7.013 exam in walker gym from 7:30-9
Thursday: grading exam all day in 68-120, probably going back to ET on 5pm van
Friday: 7.013 lecture 11-12 in 26-100, lab meeting 1-3pm on the fifth floor conference room of building 46.
Saturday: probably at ET all day
Sunday: at ET until 1pm then probably going to war of the spark draft

Author:  AdamYedidia [ Mon Apr 29, 2019 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

I'm AdamYedidia. I'm a grad student at MIT. I live at Hygge, aka 407 Washington St. I'm on campus in the 36-677 cluster in the afternoons. I'm going to be at ET Monday night, and probably a couple other nights this week. I'll update as applicable.


Author:  Sir Nicoeus [ Mon Apr 29, 2019 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

I'm Nico. I live in MacGregor G entry

Schedule for the next week is gonna be:

9am - 10am - concourse news seminar - concourse lounge
11am - CC18.03 - 16-160
12pm - 24.09 - 32-155
1pm - pistol - pistol/rifle range
2 - 3:30pm - 9.00 - 32-132
6(?) pm onwards - evening in Boston

1:30 - 3pm - 18.03 midterm - 16-160
3pm - 4:30 - 6.0002 - 26-100

11am - CC18.03 - 16-160
12pm - 24.09 - 32-155
1pm - pistol - pistol/rifle range
2 - 3:30pm - 9.00 - 32-132
4-5pm - Area 4 for a meeting
5:15 - 6:30 - meeting in E51

10am - 9.00 - 46-1011
11am - 24.09 - 56-
12pm - 2pm - concourse seminar - 16-160

will be off-campus for a retreat. Probably will organise a body-double

In my free time, am mostly just chilling in my room in MacGregor. Door will likely be unlocked but if you do infiltrate MacG to kill me, please knock first lol.

Author:  Daniel Grazian [ Wed May 01, 2019 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions

I'll be in 66-1 from ~ 8:25 (5 minutes from now) until ~ 8:45. I will then be at ET for the rest of the day.

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