Live Action Mafia

A game of sneakiness and paranoia
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:55 am 
Hello and Welcome to the Fall 2015 ET-only Mafia Game! We have 13 lovely contestants joining us tonight. All they want is the chance to live peacefully in their town. Not long now, one among them will be dead, “BANG”ed by the mafia among them, and they will have no choice but to turn upon each other in an effort to find the culprits. Join us at 11pm tonight for when the festivities begin!

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:55 am 
Daniel Grazian

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:56 am 
RULES: (copied from the email sent last night)

For people who've played before, I bolded things that are different from normal games. It would probably still be a good idea to read the whole thing. For new players, please read everything. Don't hesitate to ask me any questions.

You'll get your roles at 11am and can start posting on forums then. Please post an introduction (should include class schedule and room numbers. Also where you're likely to be during any downtime you have) before Day 1 starts at 11pm Sunday.

There will be 2 mafia. They will be able to make 1 kill a day by going up to a player, tapping them, and saying "Bang." There will be no penalty on the mafia for failing to make a kill every day.

There will be 1 ducktective. The ducktective will only be able to investigate kills made not at ET. To investigate a kill, they must go inside Cave (Anyone alive and playing is welcome to go in at any time while game is happening.)

Days will last 24 hours, starting and ending at 11pm. If a kill happens less than an hour before day end, day end will be extended an hour past when the death announcement was made.

Every day, you may vote to execute someone. You may change your vote as many times as you want before day end. You vote by PMing me.These votes will be public at day end and whoever had a plurality of the votes will be executed. No Execution is a valid vote. Upon execution, their alignment (Town, Mafia) will be public.

If you are killed, you immediately become a ghost. You may not share any information with living players or nonplayers. You must truthfully reveal that you are dead if asked but you should not volunteer this information. You will gain access to the graveyard. That is the only place where you should comment on game with your fellow ghosts and God.

Provable randomness and cryptography is not allowed. No Dead Man switches. Don't prep NPs to report your death and killer, though living players are free to ask NPs if they saw anything and can also ask them to lie for them.

Remember that this is supposed to be a fun game. Don't take things personally.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:56 am 
Post your introductions and updates to your introductions here

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:11 pm 
8.04: MW 9 Rec 26-328; TR 9:30-11 Lec 4-237
21L.612: MW 13-14:30 14N-112
8.033: MW 14:30-16 Lec 6-120; I don't go to recitation
6.004: F 12 quiz 34-303
11.015: TR 14-15:30 4-253
Archery: TR 13 Rockwell Cage North
Tech Squares: T 19:30-21:45 PDR 1&2/Lobdell

Other things:
Don't kill me during these, but before/after is fine
M 17:30 4-253
W 18-19:30 W20-401
F 9:30-11 1-131
S 16 Kresge Little Theater (Dance Troupe!)

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:31 pm 
ES.8022 from 10 to 11 in 24-611A
18.701 from 11 to 12 in 4-270
24.900 from 13 to 14:30 in 4-270
ES.5111 from 15 to 16 in 24-611A

Pickleball from 11 to 12 in Rockwell Cage South
ES.5111 recitation from 14 to 15 in ESG (not sure of the room number, it's usually the same room though --- near the stairs that are far from the elevator)
ES.5111 lecture from 15 to 16 in 24.619

Generic other things: When not busy, between 9 and 17 I tend to end up at ESG, except during lunch (12-13). Then I may go to the student center, Flour, or somewhere else. Only if between 18.701 and 24.900 I may stay at 4-270 from 12 to 13. After 17 I am usually at ET if not busy.

Tuesday modifiers: Tech Squares from 19:30 to whenever it ends.
Thursday modifiers: A cappella from 22 to midnight in 4-364.
Friday modifiers : 24.900 recitation 9 to 10 in 56-162, ESG lunch from 13-14 at ESG (basically, implies that I stay at ESG from 12 to 15).
Weekend modifiers: I'm usually at ET all the time, except a cappella on Sat 14-16 in 4-364.

Special snowflakes: This week I have a cappella rehearsals most nights from 22 to midnight in 4-364, and an a cappella concert to which everyone should come because it will be awesome from 18 to 21 in 10-250.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:33 pm 
Er, concert on Friday.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:51 pm 
ES.8022: MWF 10-11 24.611A
14.02: MW 14-15 10-250, recitation F 13-14 1-190
ES.5112: TR 11-13 24.611A+24.619
18.510: TR 14:30-16 E17-136

I also go to Squares Thursday evenings in W20, and often ES.8022 office hours TWR 4-5 in ESG (24-6). Between classes, I'm most often in ESG or eating lunch in W20. I usually take the 17:15 van to ET and spend evenings and weekends at ET.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:25 pm 
M: Minions 8-11ish.
T: Tech Squares 7-10ish in W20-2.
MW: Class 2:30-4:00 in 24-121.
W: Research meeting 4-6 in 32-262.
F: Research meeting 10-12 in 32-G631 (-ish)

Elsewhen: Usually at ET, in the Adam Quarantine Room, Front Rooms, or Little Front.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:26 pm 
8.04: MW9-10 in 26-328, TR9:30-11 in 4-237
8.033: MW2:30-4 in 6-120, TR1-2 in 26-328
6.004: MW 10-11 in 34-303
21M.301: MW 11-12:30 in 4-160, F4-5 in 4-270, M1-2 in 24-033
ES.8022: M10-11, TWR4-5 all in ESG (24-6)

I'm on most 9's and 5:15's.

After 7:
On Mondays and Tuesdays I sometimes go to Squares in W20.
This Thursday, I'll probably go to some event in 34-401.

When not in class, I'm usually either at ESG or the Cheney room or at Stata grabbing food.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 2:55 pm 
MWF10 in 34-101 for 7.016
MWF11 in 4-270 for 18.701
WF12 in 4-261 for 8.022 recitation
MW13.30-15 in E25-111 for 17.309

On Monday I get lunch at 12 in the student center
TRF I get lunch at 13 in the student center

T10 in 56-180 for 17.309 recitation
TR11 in Rockwell Cage South for pickleball
TR12 in 26-302 for 7.016 recitation
TR14-15.30 in 6-120 for 8.022
T3.30-5 advising seminar in E17-133

I take 9 and 17:15 van every day. Most days from 9-10 I am in ESG lounge.
I am at ET every evening for dinner, and all days but Tuesday I am at ET usually in front rooms after 19. On Tuesday I am at Tech Squares.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:41 pm 
18.701 MWF11-12 4-270
18.510 TR14:30-16 E17-136
8.012 Lec TR9-10:30 6-120 Rec MW12-13 26-314
24.900 Lec MW13-14:30 4-270 Rec F10-11 56-162
Archery TR13-14 Rockwell North Cage
Tech Squares T19:30-22ish W20

Other Stuff: I have work at Cambridge Community Center MW15:30-16:30. Other than that I am sometimes at ESG, W20, or Random. I'm usually on the 9 and 17:15 van runs.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:00 pm 
I'm not living at ET, but I'll be over there as much as possible during the course of this game. I'll at the very least be there:

1. Monday evening for minions; I'll probably arrive at least an hour beforehand to play board games.
2. Tuesday or Wednesday evening, possibly both.
3. More days probably.

I work at Oracle, but my work times are inconsistent and unlikely to be helpful to you. Plus, the ducktective role disincentivizes killing outside ET.

In recognition of the fact that the windows in which to conveniently kill me will be narrower than those for other players, I will be in low-paranoia mode throughout the game. I will freely discuss my thoughts on the game, but I will make little-to-no conscious effort to avoid being killed or to ensure that my killer is caught after the fact.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:32 pm 
walk/scoot to campus 9:00-9:45
ES.8022 10:00-11:00 24-600
18.701 11:00-12:00 4-270
lunch 12:00-13:00 W-20
fencing 13:00-14:00 Dupont
seminar 15:30-17:00 6-1?? (W only)

van to campus 8:30-9:00
zumba 9:00-10:00 wang center
ES.5112 11:00-13:00 24-600
14.12 14:30-16:00 4-270
ES.8022 office hrs 16:00-17:00 24-600
Tech Sqs 19:30-22:30 W-20 (T only)
Work 19:30-21:00 online from ET (R only)

walk/scoot to campus 9:00-9:45
ES.8022 10:00-11:00 24-600
18.701 11:00-12:00 4-270
ESG lunch 13:00-14:00 24-600
14.12 rec 14:00-15:00 E17-1??

Between classes I'm usually hanging out in ESG lounge psetting, or else weightlifting at the Z. I take 17:15 vans home most nights. If I'm not at ET (Front Rooms, Pit, or Adam Quarantine Room) then I'm probably on Pecker kitchen side.

This week: I will probably go to Luke's concert Friday, I have an appointment with mental health on Thursday at 11:00, and Putnam is Saturday 10:00-18:00.


PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:47 pm 
10-11 32-144 (will probably go, might skip it.)
2-3 32-144
3-4 24-033
Will probably go back to ET for dinner
7-9 ESG (building 24 floor 6, if you go past the lounge the room I'll be in is on the right)

10:20 - 10:40 Meeting in the music offices (it's the second floor of building 10, kind of near 10-250)
2-4 probably in E19-435. Please do not kill me during this
4-5 34-304

10-11 32-144
2-5 N52-337 (this is the IDC)
7-9 ESG (building 24 floor 6, if you go past the lounge the room I'll be in is on the right)
9-10:30 ESG (building 24, floor 6, I'll be in the lounge)

1-4 E19-435. Please do not kill me during this
4-5 4-156

10-11 32-144
11-12 ESG (building 24 6th floor, I'll be in a room on the right before the lounge)
1-5 E19-435. Please do not kill me during this

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:43 am 
Rules Addition/Clarification:

You are not allowed to kill a player in their sleep. You are not allowed to wake up a player in order to kill them. You are allowed to wake up the player if they asked you to (say by signing up for an arousal) and then kill them.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:35 am 
classes/mtgs that i go to
18.06: 11-12, 54-100 MWF
6.uat: 4-5, basement of stata TR
maslab: 7-8?, somewhere in 36, T
work: 1-3?, either off campus or in 37, F

yeah i don't go to many classes

most of the time i'll be on campus and in the course 6 lounge. i may also be in 37-3, but don't actually go there cause that's where i work work. i almost always come home for dinner

i do arousals on WF but sometimes ask other people to take them

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:18 am 
This week, I'll be spending my time between classes mostly in the PCR (8-329), since hanging out in the course 11 lounge seems a little unfair. Ask a physics major for the combo.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 3:23 pm 
6.005 from 1-2:30 on MWF in 32-123
6.034 this wednesday in 10-250 at 10 am. (I have an exam, but I don't usually go to lecture).
6.004 this Friday in 36-115 at noon. (same deal as 6.034).
CMS.100 TR 3:30-5.
UROP mtgs 11-1 on Thursday, and 4-5 on Friday.

I spend most of my time at ET, but when I'm on campus and not in a class, I'm usually in the course 6 lounge. Sometimes I'm in the Cheney Room, but most likely in the course 6 lounge. I rarely take the 9am van, and usually walk over to campus around noon, and take the 5:15 back. I might not be taking the van back as much this week because of possible yet-to-be-scheduled meetings with my 6.005 group partners at Random. If it's after 5:15 and I'm not at ET, I'll probably be at Random working with them or studying for exams.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:10 am 
Monday evening: At Random on Pecker.
Tuesday: At office 32G-604 1-5, might be out meeting with prof around 2. Tech squares 8 to 11.
Wednesday: Birthday Not Coffee (tentatively) 9pm.
Thursday: Probably at 32G-604 office in afternoon. Group meeting 32G-725 4:15-5. 5:15 van to ET.
Friday: At ET. Maybe badminton in evening around 8pm.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:37 pm 
I forgot to mention that CMS.100 is in 26-168. Also, I'll be at the 6.004 review session in 34-101 today at 7pm.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:04 pm 
Shadow council is meeting from 17-18:30 today (instead of 18-19:30)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:32 pm 
There is a new role in game called Duckman. This is on top of any alignment/roles the person may have had before.

The Duckman is allowed to go up to any player and say "I'm Duckman." The Duckman has been informed of who they are.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:58 pm 
Can the Duckman be either town or mafia?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:07 pm 

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:03 pm 
I have an AILG board meeting tonight from 18:00-19:00 at Ashdown House.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:53 pm 
Clarification: I'm staying on campus until 9 because I have a dinner thing at 7 (see intro).

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:22 am 
Update: Today from 11-1:30 I'll be in Killian (next to Hayden Memorial Library) for music class. Please do not come into the class to kill me, it will interrupt moosics being played.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 12:21 pm 
I have an appointment at medical, then I'm going to 11.015 oh in 9-6, so I won't be at archery today

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